Irregular Nouns

Examples Help! Definition and Meaning of Irregular Nouns
A noun is the name of any person, place or thing as John, London or book. Just add an 's' to make most words plural - examples: cats, dogs, girls, bats. Just when you think plural words are simple along comes the phrase 'irregular nouns'! What exactly does this mean? What is an irregular noun? Most English nouns are very predictable ( or regular ) in the spelling of the plural form - you just add an 's' or 'es' which make 'regular' plural words. But there are always exceptions to the rule and these are referred to a 'irregular plural nouns! The meaning or definition of an irregular noun is as follows:


Definition & Meaning

When irregular nouns change from their singular form to become plural, their spelling changes, in a different way to regular plural words, where cat, dog and book are made plural by adding a letter 's' - cats, dogs, books etc. But it would be incorrect English to add an 's' or 'es' to 'irregular' words.

The word 'mouse' changes to mice to indicate the plural
The word 'cactus' changes to cacti
The word scissors does not change at all to indicate the plural

It would be incorrect English to add an 's' or 'es' to these 'irregular' words.

The word 'diagnosis' changes to diagnoses
Hippopotamus - hippopotami
Louse - lice

The following list of examples of irregular nouns will make this definition even clearer:

Definition & Meaning

Examples Help! List of Irregular Nouns

This list of English examples will prove useful when learning about different parts of speech:


When Irregular Nouns become Plural
analysisanalysesappendix appendices
calfcalves childchildren


The Noun Game

Looking for a worksheet, test, exercises or quiz game to test your understanding? Check out your knowledge and understanding of the different types by playing the Noun Game!

The Noun Game

Examples Help - Understanding Irregular Nouns!

Understanding the different types of nouns is not very difficult, but it is made daunting because of the seemingly complicated names! Just glancing through this page provides a fast overview of Irregular nouns. Remember that Irregular nouns are the words used to describe more than one item. Examples of Irregular nouns are beds, boys, girls, books and cats. They are created by adding a letter 's' to the end of a word or by adding 'es' such as in churches, boxes or witches.

  • English Grammar
  • What is a Irregular noun?
  • Parts of Speech
  • Understanding English Grammar
  • Meaning and Definition
  • Examples List
  • Definitions, list, types, samples and examples of different English Grammar
  • Test your knowledge and understanding irregular
  • English Grammar and irregular nouns
  • Definitions, list, types, samples and examples of different English Grammar
  • Examples Help!

Irregular Nouns

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